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Can Cats Take CBD Oil?

CBD works with your pet’s endocannabinoid system to restore equilibrium in their body, without creating dependency or dependency issues. As it’s non-habit forming and can be given daily or as needed for specific ailments, CBD may become part of their routine regiment.

Introduce oil to your cat through other means such as licking it from a dropper or placing a small amount on their food, which should allow them to consume all their dose. If they accept this approach it will make administering their dose easier.


Cats may experience debilitating anxiety as a result of changes to their environment (like adopting another furry member), travel stressors or vet visits, age-related pain issues or mobility impairment. CBD’s soothing properties may help ease these symptoms, ultimately improving quality of life for your feline companion.

To best assist in relieving cat anxiety, we suggest our Pet Tincture. It contains hemp oil tailored for cats of various sizes and weights with an appropriate dosage (low enough so as to avoid THC which is toxic in large doses) without losing its beneficial properties. It can easily be added to food or given directly through its dropper – with our customers reporting amazing success when dealing with behaviors like excessive licking, vocalization or pacing before vet appointments.


Cats suffering from discomfort often display certain behaviors such as territorial aggression and redirected aggression as ways of communicating their discomfort or fear, as well as responding to external stimuli such as loud noises or visits to the vet. These reactions provide them with an avenue for expression as well as protection from external stimuli like loud noises or trips to the veterinarian.

CBD may help ease their pain and relax them, leading to reduced aggression outbursts and encouraging cats to find more peaceful solutions to stress and anxiety management.

Pet owners should start with a low dose of CBD and gradually increase it over time to find what works for their cat. Tinctures are the easiest form of administration; chews or treats may also work for dosing their feline with this supplement.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) in cats occurs when their digestive tract becomes inflamed (irritated and swollen), interfering with normal gut function. It typically involves the stomach, small intestine and colon. While its cause remains unknown, likely factors include diet factors and genetic abnormalities within their immune systems which may play a part.

Vomiting is a common symptom of IBD in cats. Although occasional vomiting may be normal, persistent vomiting needs to be discussed with your veterinarian immediately.

Fecal samples should be obtained to rule out intestinal parasites or conditions that cause inflammation, as well as to perform food allergy/intolerance trials by feeding your cat different protein sources to see if this helps alleviate symptoms. Biopsies can also be taken using surgery or endoscope if signs persist.


Seizures can be terrifying for your cat. If you detect seizures in your feline friend, keep them safe by removing anything that could endanger them and creating an environment they feel secure in. Also try and record duration and symptoms to provide your vet with information for further diagnosis.

CBD has been shown to help cats manage anxiety by engaging their endocannabinoid system to restore equilibrium to the body. Without THC present and no “high” produced from taking this supplement, CBD provides a very safe supplement. Furthermore, cats suffering from viral illnesses like FIV or herpes may find relief through CBD’s antiviral properties, appetite stimulant properties, reduction of inflammation symptoms, as well as promote healthy sleep patterns for those experiencing pain from arthritis or other medical issues.


All mammals possess an Endocannabinoid System (ECS). CBD works together with this ECS to balance all body systems including nervous, immune, digestive, serotonergic (mood and sleep) systems and serotonergic (mood/sleep).

Pet owners looking for ways to help their cat manage behavioral issues like fear, aggression and hyperactivity may also benefit from giving their feline some sort of probiotic supplement containing L-lysine; it helps manage inflammation in their gut and support healthy bacteria populations.

Your cat can benefit from CBD oil in two ways – either mixing it into their food or directly administering with a dropper. If they’re picky about their doses, start off slowly with less potency before increasing it as desired. Also look for products labeled as “full spectrum” to ensure you’re receiving high-quality treatment.