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Home » How Long Does It Take Marijuana to Get Out of Your System?

How Long Does It Take Marijuana to Get Out of Your System?

Person Holding White a Joint

People use marijuana for both relaxation and getting high, but it’s important to remember that marijuana is still a drug that can have serious health implications. Furthermore, intoxication caused by marijuana use while driving is illegal in three-quarters of states. As such, some individuals may wish to detox from marijuana use in order to clear their system of any traces or toxins left by THC use; reasons may range from taking an employment test that requires drug screenings to stopping smoking altogether in order to preserve personal relationships or avoid negative side effects on personal relationships or lives.

Depends on several key factors

The length of time it takes marijuana to leave your system depends on several factors, but perhaps most significantly is how frequently and severely you smoke, and the severity of your addiction. Regular smokers may still be detectable up to 90 days post-use; method of consumption has an impactful influence, too: smoking allows THC to quickly enter the bloodstream before being excreted through lungs; edible forms (such as chocolate) take longer before reaching liver where they’re processed before leaving your system altogether.

Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, is the primary chemical found in marijuana that produces its intoxicating effect. Being lipid-soluble makes THC difficult to excrete from your system quickly; other drugs, like alcohol, tend to leave within hours while cannabis remains for days or even weeks after use – something drug tests can detect.

Yes Exercise


Exercise regularly and eating healthily are effective strategies for helping the body expel THC more rapidly; however, these methods require discipline and dedication from you as a user to work. The only surefire way to rid yourself of marijuana altogether is to quit using it altogether.

Product claims are not true

There are various products on the market that claim to flush THC out of your system, yet these methods are ineffective and could actually prove harmful if performed improperly. Many kits involve drinking lots of water in order to dilute urine output. This approach may backfire, as it’s an ineffective method to detox from cannabis and could result in your sample being rejected due to dilution. Detox teas may be more efficient but may be costly and difficult to find in stores. Before trying any home remedies on your own, it’s best to seek professional advice first. But it’s never too late if you are suffering from an addiction to marijuana or are concerned about your health and safety, since insurance makes treatments affordable and accessible to anyone in need of treatment. For more information contact a reliable addiction treatment program.