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Home » How Much Is 3.5 Grams of Marijuana?

How Much Is 3.5 Grams of Marijuana?

If you’re shopping for cannabis from a dealer or dispensary, there are various options available to you. Most commonly sold pre-measured amounts like one gram, half-ounce quarter ounce or full ounce are typically offered.

One gram is enough to roll two personal-sized joints or create several small bowls, and can even be used to roll an eighth, which weighs 3.5 grams.


One gram of cannabis weighs 1,000 milligrams, enough to fill one or two small joints. A gram typically costs $10-15; premium varieties may cost more.

Experienced smokers may be able to approximate their cannabis intake visually, but for maximum accuracy it’s best to use a scale. Cheap scales measure in tenths while analytical balances and jewelry scales provide more precise readings up to one gram accuracy.

An eighth of marijuana typically weighs 3.5 grams and is the most frequently sold legally in legal markets. An eighth is sufficient for most people to enjoy, with cultivators often saving their best-looking buds exclusively for eighths.

Quarter-ounce products weigh seven grams. A quarter is typically enough to satisfy most smokers and moderate users for several weeks of smoking; it typically costs $60-$85 depending on quality and location; prices begin to decrease with larger volumes available from many dispensaries such as an ounce.


An eighth of weed weighs 3.5 grams and is the most popular amount purchased by cannabis consumers. Affectionately known as a dime bag due to its $10 price point, this amount provides enough cannabis for several smaller joints or one large blunt.

For those without access to a scale, using a penny and ruler can help measure cannabis without needing weight devices. Simply pivot around it while balancing flower against it using your ruler.

Purchases by the ounce are the most cost-effective method of purchasing marijuana, due to substantial price breaks available. One ounce weighs 28 grams and can last most users about a month when used daily for smoking a single fat joint. Other terms commonly applied to this amount can also apply such as “half ounce”; their definition may differ slightly depending on your region or locale.


A quarter of cannabis is an ideal purchase amount for users looking to expand their repertoire over time, offering more affordable exploration of different strains without running out. A quarter can also help provide reliable relief from symptoms like chronic pain or insomnia.

cannabis’ potency degrades over time, so proper storage is crucial. This includes protecting it from heat, light and air exposure.

An ounce of marijuana weighs 3.54 grams. People commonly ask for an eighth when shopping at dispensaries, though it should be noted that this measurement is closer to 3.5 grams than eight. Many dispensaries round down their eighths so they can sell them more easily to consumers; using a ruler and penny is an easy way to measure out cannabis if you don’t own a scale at home.

Full Ounce

An ounce of cannabis weighs 3.5 grams. This is the most frequently purchased amount at dispensaries and delivery services, and will usually contain roughly eight small- to medium-sized buds that should last several days (or up to one week) when consumed moderately.

A gram is the minimum purchase size available to recreational consumers and is often an ideal starting point when exploring a new strain or beginning light consumption. Frequent users may consider opting for quarter or half ounce quantities instead, giving you greater value. Please be aware that many states restrict sales of more than an ounce daily; to find out about specials inquire with your local dispensary.