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How to Inhale Marijuana

how to inhale marijuana

As a novice cannabis consumer, smoking can be confusing and intimidating. Learning the correct inhalation technique is vital to making the most out of your experience and avoiding unwanted side effects like coughing or throat irritation. Smoking involves drawing smoke from a cannabis plant and inhaling it to deliver cannabinoids to your bloodstream and enjoy its high. Each method may differ slightly when inhaling marijuana; however, basic principles remain constant regardless of which device or method you choose for inhaling marijuana smoke: joint, pipe, bong or vaporizer inhalation techniques remain similar despite differences.

Take a Deep Breath

Before inhaling cannabis smoke, take a deep breath of air so your lungs have adequate oxygen levels. This will also prevent you from overdosing it and coughing fit; something first time smokers often encounter. Inhale directly into your lungs for no more than 2 seconds using a mouthpiece such as the Moose Labs MouthPeace to minimize tar and resin deposits on lungs.

After lighting a bong, be sure to cover its carburetor with your finger to keep smoke from blowing back into your face and ensure it remains free of germs or debris. Furthermore, it is advisable that before every use you clean your mouthpiece with rubbing alcohol in order to minimize contamination and spread of germs.

Pipes and bongs without carburetors require you to cover the end of the mouthpiece with your finger before taking hits, to prevent smoke from blowing directly in your face. As soon as you begin inhaling, be sure to release your finger from the carburetor as soon as you begin inhaling to let out excess smoke – this will prevent tar and resin deposits in your lungs while keeping the mouthpiece cool.

With Vaporizers Its Done Differently

With a vaporizer, inhalation differs slightly from smoking from a bong or pipe in that you won’t take your hit by holding your breath; rather, its suction draws smoke into your lungs instead. Be sure to have cold water nearby should coughing occur and a glass should always be nearby in case your throat needs soothing. If your effects of cannabis don’t meet expectations, try inhaling more deeply or trying a different strain.

Many people mistakenly believe they will get higher by holding their breath longer, however research has demonstrated that this does not actually increase your high. Your lungs absorb THC through inhalation; for optimal results it’s best to do this for no more than 2 seconds each time. With practice you will soon become adept at inhaling like an expert and experience all of its benefits!